Have you ever noticed that in all the greeting cards sold in this country, there really isn't a market for awareness cards? You can find a birthday card to your boyfriend from the dog before you can find an awareness card. I myself never realized this fact until my friend, Lisa told me she had Lymphoma. When you find out your friend has cancer, there are so many things you want to say, but the words escape you... at least in my experience anyway. And even though you're not directly experiencing what they are, you're going through it with them just the same.
I knew I wanted to give her a card that she could keep on her desk as a constant reminder that she wasn't going to fight this alone. But when I went to the store all I found was Sympathy, Get Well or Thinking of You cards, and none of them really said what I wanted them to. And then, by pure coincidence, I found the My Favorite Stamps "Think Pink" acrylic set featuring two women in an embrace wearing awareness ribbons. The sentiment was simply, "We're in this together." It was perfect.
I did a little research on awareness colors, found out that Lisa's specific type of cancer was symbolized by the color purple, and came up with this.
I knew I wanted a pretty basic design, not to distract from the actual stamp and sentiment, which I think is the most important. I'm happy with the way it came out.
Since then, I have designed five others in pink, teal, lime green, blue and red and have a few more I'm currently working on. Though the design and colors stay the same, no two cards are exactly alike. To this day, these cards are the products I'm constantly refreshing inventory for daily at my boutique. At the end of each quarter, I send my profits to their corresponding awareness charities which has been very rewarding.
Here are examples of the five other awareness ribbon cards available:
Pink = Breast Cancer Awareness
Teal = Ovarian and Cervical Cancer Awareness
Lime Green = Non-Hodkins Lymphoma, Muscular Dystrophy,
Ivemark Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Sandhoff Syndrome, Mental Health
Light Blue = Thyroid Disease, Addison's Disease, Prostrate Cancer,
Graves Disease, Arthritis, Colon Cancer
Red = Heart Disease, HIV/Aids, Stroke
These are just wonderful. I had never thought about it - but you're right - there are no cards for "awareness". And what a wonderful person you are to send your profits to charities.
Such beautiful cards and your friend is feeling lucky to have a friend in you!!! Blessings to you and your friend!
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